Since E3 ended I've gone from about 80-20% in favor of the PS4 to about 60-40% if favor of the X1. mems_1224All cause they just decided to give back what consumers should of had from the beginning? You're an easy one to impress.
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[QUOTE="mems_1224"]Since E3 ended I've gone from about 80-20% in favor of the PS4 to about 60-40% if favor of the X1. Merex760All cause they just decided to give back what consumers should of had from the beginning? You're an easy one to impress. Well yes, actually. They got rid of Twinkies. People raged. Twinkies came back. Is everyone supposed to be still upset they originally got rid of Twinkies? Hell no it's about the now and NOW we have Twinkies and no screwed up MS policies.
[QUOTE="Merex760"][QUOTE="mems_1224"]Since E3 ended I've gone from about 80-20% in favor of the PS4 to about 60-40% if favor of the X1. Spartan070All cause they just decided to give back what consumers should of had from the beginning? You're an easy one to impress. Well yes, actually. They got rid of Twinkies. People raged. Twinkies came back. Is everyone supposed to be still upset they originally got rid of Twinkies? Hell no it's about the now and NOW we have Twinkies and no screwed up MS policies. Terrible analogy. Taking away twinkies was a matter of people missing a product they loved sort of like if a video games sequel gets canceled. People want it, they beg for it, so when it's released, they are happy and buy it and play it and are appreciative of the company. The MS situation is more akin to taking a beloved franchise that people love, and then completely casualizing and bastardizing it to the point where it bares very little resemblance to the original product. That's the type of move that makes people forgo buying the follow up, because they are unhappy of the changes, even if the company decides to go back to its roots. In fact a good example is the new dragon age. Dragon Age 2 left a bad taste in a lot of gamers' mouths and you can see the extra effort bioware went through to try and convince gamers that they had gone back to their roots. Some hardcore DA fans are still on the fence, waiting to see how it pans out before buying it. This is essentially what MS did.
They're actually hyping being able to play offline and trading games as killer features :lol:
Xbox Done.
The only "positives" about the Xbone are reversals of anti-consumer policies :lol:
What a shitty system.
The MS situation is more akin to taking a beloved franchise that people love, and then completely casualizing and bastardizing it to the point where it bares very little resemblance to the original product. That's the type of move that makes people forgo buying the follow up, because they are unhappy of the changes, even if the company decides to go back to its roots. In fact a good example is the new dragon age. Dragon Age 2 left a bad taste in a lot of gamers' mouths and you can see the extra effort bioware went through to try and convince gamers that they had gone back to their roots. Some hardcore DA fans are still on the fence, waiting to see how it pans out before buying it. This is essentially what MS did.II_Seraphim_II
Your analogy is not great either.
Bioware did release DA2 and did charge people for it. MS didn't.
It would be like Bioware saying we're doing this and this with DA2, fans hate it, Bioware changes everything and removes what fans hated before the product is actually in the hands of the public.
Since E3 ended I've gone from about 80-20% in favor of the PS4 to about 60-40% if favor of the X1. mems_1224How has your favor of NathanDrakeSwag gone?
[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]The MS situation is more akin to taking a beloved franchise that people love, and then completely casualizing and bastardizing it to the point where it bares very little resemblance to the original product. That's the type of move that makes people forgo buying the follow up, because they are unhappy of the changes, even if the company decides to go back to its roots. In fact a good example is the new dragon age. Dragon Age 2 left a bad taste in a lot of gamers' mouths and you can see the extra effort bioware went through to try and convince gamers that they had gone back to their roots. Some hardcore DA fans are still on the fence, waiting to see how it pans out before buying it. This is essentially what MS did.edidili
Your analogy is not great either.
Bioware did release DA2 and did charge people for it. MS didn't.
It would be like Bioware saying we're doing this and this with DA2, fans hate it, Bioware changes everything and removes what fans hated before the product is actually in the hands of the public.
Well, yeah that would be a better example, but I don't know of any real life examples where something like that occured, so the closest I could come up with was an example where there was an original product people loved, it was changed for the worst, and consumer confidence and trust was damaged.This is a flipflop situation cause Microsoft is damned if they do, damned if they dont, they have abandoned their vission for the Xbox One and have to play catch up, also correct me if i am wrong but did it not say that you would have to download a day one patch to remove the DRM from the console?
Either way better late than never, the launch window is closing in and if they have to kiss the ass of consumers to get them to look at their system then so be it.
Pretty funny that about half the stuff on that list was flip-flopped and decided upon in the last 3 monthsSzminsky
Still can't believe the arrogance and showing a total lack of respect to the customers in those early plans .
Pretty funny that about half the stuff on that list was flip-flopped and decided upon in the last 3 monthsSzminsky
Meh :|
My plan hasn't changed. I'm still going to wait till mid to late 2014 before I make my mind up. Both systems' launch lineups and announced games are looking pretty wretched right now. Plus the RROD (30% fail rate WTF!) and lesser YLOD have me nervous about buying launch consoles.
Besides the XCOM: EW expansion is dropping in mid Nov so I won't really care about next gen for a while.
"We designed XBOX One to be your XBOX One"
Only after you got your asses kicked by Sony and your entire fanbase. XBOX One80s all around.
ps4 has all this + better system and $399 easy choice ohh and no NSA camlegalize82
NSA is everywhere dummy. You're being watched or listened to right now and don't even know it. :lol:
Don't need a Kinect for that. The Kinect doesn't have to be plugged in for you to play a game anyways.
Your complaining about nothing really. :roll:
I'm pretty sure the poster is supposed to be informative instead of funny.C'mon now, even a poster will cause controversy when it comes to xbox? What's the big deal exactly? Or is this a slow day when it comes to bad xbox news and you people are just trying to find something to b*** about, no matter what.
Sony wouldn't have even bothered talking about it at their conference if Microsoft hadn't left themselves open to the attack.
Theirs wasn't a promotional poster. It's an example of one-upmanship.
I find it ridiculous how they're advertising things that was against their original plan in the first place... worse.. things that shouldn't even have to be mention and to be expected honestly.
lastly.. that's false advertisement.. you still need to connect to the internet at least once to activate the game.. can't really say off line or w/e.
Have some fudging pride M$, and hold your ground and shut up about it.... don't act like you wasn't trying to do BS before and defend it. They should appologize if anything to the customers.
I find it ridiculous how they're advertising things that was against their original plan in the first place... worse.. things that shouldn't even have to be mention and to be expected honestly.
lastly.. that's false advertisement.. you still need to connect to the internet at least once to activate the game.. can't really say off line or w/e.
Have some fudging pride M$, and hold your ground and shut up about it.... don't act like you wasn't trying to do BS before and defend it. They should appologize if anything to the customers.
At least MS is coming out and talking about features. Sony not...
you don't need go online to active a game. It's ONCE for the entire system
apologize for what? They didn't do shit wrong or do anyone wrong. ALL they did was come out and talk about their product.... Everyone cried and now MS is giving the crybabies what they want.
[QUOTE="Merex760"][QUOTE="mems_1224"]Since E3 ended I've gone from about 80-20% in favor of the PS4 to about 60-40% if favor of the X1. Spartan070All cause they just decided to give back what consumers should of had from the beginning? You're an easy one to impress. Well yes, actually. They got rid of Twinkies. People raged. Twinkies came back. Is everyone supposed to be still upset they originally got rid of Twinkies? Hell no it's about the now and NOW we have Twinkies and no screwed up MS policies. Except twinkie wouldn' benifit from not making a product anymore. M$ would benifit from adding always online DRM, and no used games again.
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